Director: Investment Promotion (Green Economy) - Investment South Africa Department of Trade, Industry & Competition

Annelize van der Merwe is Director Green Economy in the Inward Investment Attraction, Facilitation & Aftercare branch of the Department of Trade, Industry & Competition (thedtici). Ms van der Merwe is responsible for acting as the point person for foreign and domestic investment in the green economy in South Africa.
She has been instrumental in attracting and securing key investment projects in various green economy subsectors including renewable energy, waste management, and energy efficiency. Ms van der Merwe has a career in international trade and investment spanning more than 19 years. Prior to joining the DTIC, she worked for the British and Dutch governments, promoting trade and investment relations between South Africa and these countries.
Ms van der Merwe holds a Master's degree in Economic Policy with a specialisation in Trade & Industrial Policy and is an alumni of the Institute of Political Studies (Sciences-Po) in Paris, France.