Facility Technical Manager, Energy Infrastructure Management Services (Pty) Ltd

Nomfundo is an experienced Electrical Engineer with over 10years of experience in the Energy Sector
across several technologies.
She started her career at Eskom and worked for several years as a Senior Technician in several roles in
the Power Generation and Distribution divisions of the parastatal. She then transitioned to Renewable
Energy, focusing on Solar PV.
Nomfundo brings into the energy space a dynamic set of skills and her charismatic personality that finds
it natural to blend in multi-cultural work environments.
Within Renewables, she has worked in the Construction and O&M phases of several projects, and she is
currently employed by EIMS Africa, serving as a Technical Manager for their Kathu based REISA PV Solar
Nomfundo holds an Advanced Diploma in Business Management from Mancosa, a National Diploma in
Electrical Engineering from the Central University of Technology and a certificate in Operations and
Productivity Management from Unisa, Center for Business Management.