Head of Deployment, Bushveld Energy

Frank Spencer is a well known Renewable Energy personality in the Southern African Renewable Energy Space and has supported the activities of SAPVIA for over a decade, where he is currently part of the governing committee.
With a Master’s Engineering degree in Electrical Engineering and a Philosophy degree in Sustainable development, he is passionate about addressing the multi-faceted challenges of Climate Change, Rural Electrification and Poverty in Africa. He built his first solar project while still at school, and his first off-grid battery-solar project in 2003. Since then, he has been active across all aspects of Renewables projects, from manufacturing, to project EPC, to finance and business development, across the African continent. He now is working to promote deeper integration of Renewables into power systems through the use of VRFB’s.
He currently is the Head of Deployment at Bushveld Energy, a vertically integrated Vanadium Redox Flow Battery (VRFB) company.