Chief Director: Programmes & Project Management Office, Department of Mineral resources and Energy

Elizabeth Marabwa is a Chief Director: Programme and Projects Management Office, in the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. Elizabeth has spent most of her career in government but had exposure to consulting and academia as a lecturer at WITS University. For the last 15 years she has been involved in energy from a regulatory and policy point of view and covered liquid fuels, gas and electricity. Elizabeth has significant exposure to the international energy arena, and has worked with the IEA, UN, CEM, SADC, other governments in Africa and world-wide as well as funders and financial institutions. She has been a reviewer of the World Energy Outlook published by the International Energy Agency and has provided expert advice, comments on and chaired sessions on the Africa Energy Outlook – a first lEA Special Publication on Africa.
Elizabeth is a board member of the South African National Energy Association (SANEA). Elizabeth’s qualifications include an Honours and MA in Economic History from the University of Zimbabwe, a BA Honours and Masters in Economics both from WITS. She also studied overseas and holds a Certificate in Utility Regulation and Strategy from the University of Florida and Certificate in Petroleum Policy and Management from Petrad in Norway and certificate in Programmes and Projects Management from University of Pretoria. She is also a qualified project manager.